All Ear-Nose-Throat Topics

How to Manage Excessive Ear Wax

Ear wax usually gets out on their own, but if you have excessive ear wax that affect your hearing, you should know what causes it and how to get rid of it safely.


Strep Throat Treatments

Strep throat is a bacterial infection which causes pain and inflammation in throat. Strep throat treatments include antibiotics and OTC medications. You can also try some home remedies to ease the pain.


Inner Ear Infection

Inner ear infection can be painful and bothersome, but it can be treated. It is often accompanied by vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and similar symptoms. If you are suffering from any of these signs of inner ear infection, now is the time to get checked out.


Tight Feeling in Throat

Tightness in the throat can be caused by physical or mental stimuli. If you are experiencing tightness of the throat you should perform home remedies that can help to reduce your symptoms, but see a doctor right away if this symptom is making it hard for you to breathe.


Dry Nose

Dry nose is at least an irritation and at most can be an indication of more serious health problems. Learn the causes of dry nose and remedies you can try at home to combat the problem.


Chapped Nose

Chapped nose is a common problem for people who have a cold, especially during winter months. It is a minor problem and can be relieved by home remedies that prevent drying of the skin around the nose.


How to Unplug Ears

There are a lot of reasons that you might be experiencing clogged or blocked ears. Some cases do require medical attention so pay attention to your symptoms and reference the information here to see how to unplug ears.


Olive Oil for Ear Wax

Excessive and impacted ear wax is a very common problem that you or any of your family members must have encountered. Olive oil is an effective home remedy that can be used to remove ear wax following certain safety precautions.


It Feels Like Something Is Stuck in My Throat

It Feels Like Something Is Stuck in My Throat! What are the causes? What can be done to relieve the condition? Read more to find the answers.


Lump Behind Ear

What is lump behind ear? This article gives you the causes of lump behind ear, as well as home remedies for a lump in ear.