All Pregnancy Topics

Can Tubal Ligation Be Undone?

Can tubal ligation be undone? Yes. But it is not suitable for everyone, and can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. IVF is another way to get pregnant after the tube is closed.


What Are the Consequences of Lack of Sleep During Pregnancy?

Consequences of lack of sleep during pregnancy include hypertension and gestational diabetes in the mother and poor fetal development. But there are tips to help alleviate it.


3 Major Signs That You're Not Pregnant

Wonder signs that you're not pregnant? You can look for some things such as missed period and negative clinic signs. But missed period alone doesn't guarantee pregnancy.


How Accurate Are Ultrasounds for Weight?

How accurate are ultrasounds for weight? About one in about seven babies will weigh 15% more or less than estimated. Here are affecting factors and average fetal weight.


Is My Girlfriend Pregnant?

Is my girlfriend pregnant? Thankfully, certain well-known symptoms can help you get a better idea, including no period, morning sickness, breast changes, fatigue, etc.


Can Pregnant Women Eat Crawfish?

Can pregnant women eat crayfish? Yes but within limits. Crayfish can be eaten in pregnancy if you stick to the FDA guidelines for fish intake with low mercury.


No Morning Sickness Boy or Girl

The old wives' tales, like no morning sickness boy or girl, is basically a myth. The chance of having a girl with severe morning sickness is only about 55 percent.


6 Reasons Why You May Not Be Able to Get Pregnant

This guide will give you six common and fairly treatable reasons when you’re wondering “why can’t I get pregnant?” why you may be experiencing difficulty. Don’t be in a rush to see a fertility specialist without considering these few tips to solve your big question.


Pain on Left Side During Pregnancy

Sometimes pain on the left side during pregnancy may be due to normal physiological reasons.But sometimes abdominal pain or pain on the left side during pregnancy may be associated with some serious underlying issues that need to be addressed.


How Long Do Birth Control Pills Stay in Your System?

Birth control pill is one popular way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Learn how long birth control pills stay in your system as well as the tips for using birth control pills.