6 Reasons Why You May Not Be Able to Get Pregnant

Whether you have been actively trying to conceive or just thinking about it, there are a few things you should consider in regards to your fertility. If your cycles are usually normal, you ovulate each month and especially if you have had a previous pregnancy; don’t be in a rush to see a fertility specialist without considering these few tips to solve your big question of “why can’t I get pregnant again?” This guide will give you six common and fairly treatable reasons why you may be experiencing difficulty.

6 Reasons Why You May Not Be Able to Get Pregnant

1. Rule Out a Male Factor for Your Infertility

Surprisingly, infertility due to a male factor is common as it accounts for 30 – 40% of infertility problems couples face. The problem may be related to a low sperm count or poor motility which affects the sperms ability to make a successful journey. Also, structural abnormalities can be an issue as it may interfere with the flow of the sperm. The only way to know for definite if this is the cause of your infertility is your partner would need to have an assessment by an appropriate physician.

2. Smoking

When most people think about damage from smoking, they think about lung or heart disease, but as it turns out, smoking is one of the top contenders in this category.

When women smoke, they are at a greater risk for infertility as it affects the lining of the uterus. If the lining of the uterus isn’t healthy, it is likely that even if fertilization did occur, the embryo would not be able to implant in the uterus.

In regards to your partner smoking, the possibility of infertility is an even bigger factor than it is for women. Men hold sperm in their epididymis, which is next to the scrotum, for a period of three months. During this three month period, the sperm that you hope will cause fertilization are exposed to the toxins introduced by smoking. If men decide to quit smoking, they should remember that it will take at least 8-12 weeks before healthy sperm will be ejaculated. So if smoking is on the table for you or your partner and you have been wondering “why can’t I get pregnant again?” talk to your healthcare provider about a smoking cessation plan.

3. Effects of Stress

When you are trying to conceive, you are already coping with life’s everyday stressors. But when you are unsuccessful, an added amount of stress is added to your mind and body. Stress plays a big role in the proper functioning of the adrenal system. There is a process the body goes through for ovulation that stems from the adrenal system, but the bottom line is that this can affect a woman’s ovulation.

It’s important to keep your mind and body relaxed and calm when trying to conceive. Be sure you are getting the support you need and are taking time for yourself. Talk to your partner and make a compromise that works for both of you in terms of household duties as those alone can be stressful at times.

4. Are You at a Healthy Weight?

Many women seeking answers to their question of “why can’t I get pregnant?” often don’t consider their body weight in terms of infertility.

Whether a woman is underweight or overweight, conceiving a baby may be more difficult. Your body needs the proper nourishment for ultimate functioning, so when a woman is undernourished, she may have irregularities in ovulation.

Being overweight adds extra stress on the body as well and odds of achieving pregnancy are decreased even if a woman is ovulating regularly. It is recommended to maintain a body mass index around 25, maintain a healthy diet and develop a regular exercise routine.

5. Confusion Related to Your Cycle

When you are trying to conceive and wondering why you can’t get pregnant, it may be a great time for you to get to know your body better. Many women understand a 28-day cycle and that ovulation is typically two weeks before your period, but they don’t know there are ways to monitor your body to give yourself a better understanding of your cycle as you may be able to determine days of ovulation.

There are ovulation test kits that can be purchased, but an easier and less expensive way is to consider the Billings method. If you perform some research on this, you will be able to monitor changes in your cervix and your cervical mucous to help you determine when the time is right.

Also, remember that sperms have the capability of surviving for three days in the cervix; therefore, sex does not necessarily have to be on the day of ovulation. Keep in mind as well that using lubricant during sex can decrease the motility and transfer of sperm.

6. Age or Egg Quality

Some important facts to remember: women are born with all of their eggs at birth. At the time of puberty, it is estimated that only 300,000 eggs remain which every month we lose them in both quality and quantity. Once a woman reaches her 30’s, the risk for infertility rises, therefore, it’s even more important for these women to monitor their cycle for the best chances of fertilization.

These are a few factors for a woman to consider when wondering “Why can’t I get pregnant?” It is recommended that women try to conceive for a period up to one year before reaching out to a fertility specialist. However, there are many health conditions that can cause infertility as well. If you feel you are at risk, seek advice from you healthcare provider.