
Spirulina is naturally-occurring blue-green algae. It is very rich in protein, minerals, vitamins and many other nutrients, as well as being an excellent source of antioxidants. Studies done in test tubes indicate that spirulina might be a natural wonder drug, as it has benefits that seem to go far beyond what one would expect from a simple algae.

Benefits of Spirulina

There can be many benefits to spirulina. Here are just a few:

Good For


Immune System

Spirulina can increase the number of antibodies in the blood, helping the body fight off infections. It might also help ward off serious diseases, such as cancer.

Protein Supplement

Spirulina is mostly made up of amino acids – 62 percent, in fact. That means that it can be used as an effective nutritional supplement.

Allergic Reactions

When allergic reactions occur, spirulina can guard against them by working as an antihistamine, easing the symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and the like.

Antibiotic-Related Disease

When antibiotics work in the body, they kill both the bad bacteria and the beneficial ones. This can then lead to diarrhea and other problems. Spirulina can boost the growth of the good bacteria, giving your body the balance it needs.


In test tube trials, spirulina has been effective against serious infectious diseases, such as HIV, influenza and herpes. Studies have yet to determine just how effective it is in humans, however.

Oral Cancer

Spirulina tends to reduce precancerous lesions, as seen by limited studies. More studies are needed to determine whether spirulina will be an effective course of treatment alongside chemotherapy, radiation and the like.

Liver Disorders

Spirulina has been shown to help prevent and slow the progress of liver cancers, cirrhosis and other liver disorders.

Blood Pressure

Spirulina, when taken along with a regular regimen of diet and exercise to treat blood pressure, can help reduce hypertension. It has been shown to have limited benefits when used on its own.


Though diet and exercise do matter when getting cholesterol under control, adding spirulina can help lower your cholesterol numbers even more.


In studies on rats, it was found that spirulina helped combat free radicals and lowered the chances of stroke.


Studies have shown that spirulina infused with selenium had a positive effect on breast cancer patients, and might have the same effect on other cancers as well.

Source of Spirulina

Spirulina grows well in warm water and warm climates. It is farmed by many reputable companies, and you can now find spirulina in freeze-dried and dried forms. It is also available in pill, powder or flakes. Most spirulina is grown in a laboratory, where it is protected from toxins an heavy metals that might be present in the natural environment.

However, if you do choose to try spirulina, keep in mind that buying from a reputable seller is the key to the best outcomes. That’s because spirulina absorbs heavy metals from water, and has the possibility of becoming contaminated when grown in less than ideal conditions. For this reason, be sure to choose spirulina that has been grown with clear safeguards.

How to Take Spirulina

Understanding how to take spirulina can help you achieve the best results. Here’s how to take this wonder drug:

  1. For Pediatric. Keep in mind that though spirulina has been proven to help adults, studies have not been done on the effects it might have on children. So before you give your child spirulina for any reason, talk to your doctor about whether it is safe to do so.
  2. For Adult. A typical standard dose is four to six tablets each day, of 500 mg each. If you choose to take spirulina in something other than pill form, keep the 500 mg dosage in mind. It is also important to remember not to take spirulina when you are pregnant or nursing, or speak to your doctor about safe dosages.
  3. Other Information. Make sure to take spirulina with only water, either cold or warm. Avoid taking it with things like juice, tea, soda, or milk. Also avoid these things for at least 30 minutes after taking spirulina, as they can destroy some of the good effects. In addition to taking spirulina, drink at least an extra half-liter of water every day to help it better absorb into your body.

Considerations of Taking Spirulina

As with any other supplement or medication, spirulina can have side effects that might negate the usefulness. Please keep these precautions, interactions and potential side effects in mind before you begin using spirulina.

  1. Side Effects. There are currently no clear side effects to spirulina, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there – it just means they haven’t been discovered on a large scale. Watch out for a slight fever, excessive gas or bloating, breakouts of rash, itchy skin, insomnia, dark green stool and feelings of restlessness.
  2. Precautions. As mentioned before, spirulina might contain heavy metals or toxins if it is harvested from the natural environment. To avoid this, choose spirulina that has been grown in a carefully-monitored area. If you have a metabolic condition known as phenylketonuria, you should not take spirulina. Avoid taking it if you have an autoimmune disease, such as arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis or the like. Finally, if you are pregnant or nursing, speak to your doctor before taking spirulina in any form.
  3. Drug Interactions. Many supplements can interact with other supplements or medications and cause unsavory side effects. If you are taking Enbrel, Humira, Imuran, Neoral, Remicade, Arava, CellCept, Methotrexate or any generics of these drugs, avoid taking spirulina. This is because spirulina affects the immune system, and thus could interact with drugs that directly or indirectly affect your immune system as well.