3 Major Signs That You're Not Pregnant

Well, we all know numerous signs can indicate pregnancy, but are there any signs to show you are not pregnant? Luckily, the answer is yes. If you don't want to have a baby right now, there are some signs that you are not pregnant to look out for.

Signs That You're Not Pregnant

1. You Have Normal Menstrual Cycle

One of the simplest ways of knowing you're not pregnant is that you are getting your period regularly and in its normal flow. For most women, a missed period is the first sign of pregnancy. It is important to note that some women will experience bleeding a week or two after conceiving. This can seem like a short, light period.

2. You Won’t Feel Pregnant

There are generally signs that go along with being pregnant and you won’t have these if you are not pregnant. If you are not experiencing a few of the following symptoms, it's very likely that you are not pregnant.

  • Nausea
  • Extreme tiredness or fatigue
  • Sore breasts
  • Dizziness
  • Needing to urinate frequently
  • Food aversions or cravings
  • Fainting
  • Heartburn
  • Morning sickness
  • Mood swings
  • Increased body temp
  • Weight gain or feeling bloated
  • Lower back pain
  • Irritability

3. There Are Negative Clinical Signs That You're Not Pregnant

  • If you get negative results from a blood test at the doctor’s office, you are definitely not pregnant. This will test your blood for HCG level six to eight days after ovulation.
  • Another clinical sign would be having an ultrasound that shows no fetal heart tones or fetus.
  • Your practitioner will also not notice the typical uterine and cervical changes that accompany pregnancy during a vaginal exam.

But A Missed Period Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Pregnancy

A missed period doesn't guarantee pregnancy. Here are a few possible explanations as to why you have missed a period.

1. Medication and Birth Control

The pill has a reputation for masking underlying reproductive problems which can cause missed period. If you are concerned there may be hormone issues, ask for a blood test.

2. Illness

Another common reason for a missed period is illness. Regardless of whether it is a long or short period, getting sick can affect your hormone levels and cause your period to go off the rails.

3. Stress

If you are stressed, your body will be vulnerable to inflammation which can mess with your hormones. This can prevent both your ovulation and your period. If you have been experiencing stress, you should look into a few ways to find relief, such as:

  • Exercise – Taking a brisk walk every day can help to boost the right hormones and clear your mind.
  • Rest – Getting the right amount of rest can certainly ease your stress levels.
  • Acupuncture – Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture works to relax your body. The World Health Organization recommends it for numerous ailments.
  • Take Your Vitamins – In addition to eating well-balanced meals, a multivitamin can help you manage your stress.
  • Massage – One of the leading ways to help relax is to get a massage.

4. Excess Weight

Wonder signs that you're not pregnant? A missed period is not reliable. If you are overweight, your hormones can see a change, preventing your period from coming.

It doesn’t really mean you must lose a lot of weight to have a regular period again, but you may need to lose some. In fact, often cutting processed foods and sugar from your diet is enough to give you the kick start you need to get your hormones back on track. Try adding some exercise every day and don’t be afraid to start small. Just a short, daily walk can be enough to give you the change you need.

5. Underweight

Just like being too heavy can mess with your hormones, being too thin can as well. If you aren’t getting enough calories, you will need to adjust to get back on track. Using an app can be a great way to keep track of how much you need to eat.

6. Shift Work

Another reason why your hormones can get out of order is that you are a shift worker or travel across time zones. Messing with your sleep schedule can mess up your hormones. You will need to cut back on travel, nightwork or other demands that disturb your body’s natural rhythm.

7. PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

As the result of hormonal imbalances, PCOS can be difficult to live with. It can cause extended or reduced cycles, irrgular period, painful ovulation and other fertility issues.

8. Breastfeeding

If you are breastfeeding currently, it can take some time for you to get back to regular periods. After birth, breastfeeding triggers your body to suppress ovulation. Overtime, your hormones will build up and you will menstruate again.

9. Birth

If you have recently had a baby, your cycle will likely not be regular for a time. This is especially true if you are nursing.

10. Medical Issues

Certain medical conditions such as underactive thyroid can cause you to have irregular periods. These can be detected with different blood tests administered by your doctor. Have the underlying conditions early treated besides wondering signs that you're not pregnant.