What is Aspartame Withdrawal?

Aspartame withdrawal refers to the physical symptoms that a person can experience when they are attempting to break their dependence on aspartame, a chemical sweetener. This substance is considered to be highly addictive, which can cause withdrawal symptoms that last well over a month when individuals attempt to cut this item from their diets.

In general, it takes around 14-30 days for a person to complete a cycle of aspartame withdrawal, though the specific length of the symptoms experience will vary based on the severity of the addition. In some severe cases it may take longer than a month to truly break the addiction.

It is generally believed that the symptoms a person experiences when going through aspartame withdrawal will vary based on which parts of the body were most affected by this chemical. Headache is one of the most common symptoms, though the severity of this symptom will vary from person to person. Some people will also experience nausea and muscle pain during withdrawal. Eye, cognitive, digestive or skin symptoms may occur, though these will vary.

During and after aspartame withdrawal, you may feel the urge to use other sweeteners or consume sweet foods. Most sweeteners are processed and refined, so choosing a natural option such as honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, date sugar, molasses or grape juice concentrate may be a healthier option. Try to use these sparingly or avoid them all together, opting to consume sweet fruits and vegetables instead.

Following a healthy diet with cleansing properties during a period of aspartame withdrawal can help to return the body to its natural blood sugar and energy levels. Drinking plenty of water to cleanse your system and encourage digestion is also the key to moving through the withdrawal process. Taking part in physical activity that is fun such as dancing, power yoga, gardening or jogging can also help you work through aspartame withdrawal.